July 09, 2023Sara NEW - ELECTRIC FOOT FILE! Foot care is a part of body care that many of us underestimate. Having clean and nice feet is at least as important as the rest of body care. Here...
May 14, 2023Sara Have You Tried Our Body Oil? Taking care of your body and your skin is important to feel good both physically and mentally - and using the right body oil is the A and O of...
May 06, 2023Sara Summer is Fast Approaching! Summer is fast approaching, and for many, that means time for the beach, sun, and swimming. But before you put on your new bikini or swimsuit, it's important to prepare...
April 23, 2023Sara Get Rid of Dead Skin! Do you dream of having soft and smooth skin? Then the Silkyluxe scrub glove exactly what you need. Unlike some scrubbing gloves that can be rough and unpleasant to use,...
April 08, 2023Sara Subscribe to the SilkyLuxe Glove! Taking care of your skin is an important part of our everyday life, but it can sometimes be difficult to find a product that works for your own skin type....
March 26, 2023Sara How Do You Actually Scrub Yourself? If you are unsure how to use SilkyLuxe, don't worry. In this post, we will take you through the steps to properly use the scrub glove. SilkyLuxe scrub glove is...
March 10, 2023Sara Launch of Silkyluxe Body Oil Hello and welcome to our website! Today we want to highlight our newly launched product that can do wonders for your skin. Namely, it is Silkyluxe unique body oil, which consists of a combination of...